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Mountmentum & HPS Presents: How Can You Combat the Issue of Healthcare Disparity in Your Community?

With the help of Pastor Marcus Davidson, from the New Mount Olive Baptist Church, Pastor Green, from the Mount Hermon Church and Pastor Philpart, from New Bethell Missionary Church, HPS partner Eugene K. Pettis will be hosting an educational session for their respective congregations to discuss what they can do to be their own best health advocates. This event takes place at the New Mount Olive Baptist Church, on Saturday, October 7, at 10 a.m. It is part of a continuing HPS initiative to provide tips and advice to non-attorney groups on how to the risk of being a victim of medical malpractice (particularly in the face of healthcare disparity, healthcare bias, inequities in the delivery of healthcare and discrimination). For more information on how to attend this event or to have HPS present at your company or organization, please contact Carrie Ryder at